All Anaphylaxis EpiPen®
  • Teach others how to use EpiPen®.

    It’s essential to be able to administer EpiPen® calmly in an emergency. Read on for tips to help your family and friends build their EpiPen® confidence.

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  • Is your EpiPen® action plan for Anaphylaxis up to date?

    Everyone prescribed EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr should keep an up-to-date ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis nearby their auto-injectors, so people know how to help them in an emergency. Read on to find out more.

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  • What to do after using EpiPen®. Read our 8 tips.

    Giving EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr. is a key step in first aid for anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction). Read on to find out what to do next.

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  • Can I stand or walk during anaphylaxis?

    You should never stand, walk or sit suddenly during anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction). Read on to find out why.

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  • Asthma or allergy: always use EpiPen® first

    It can be difficult to distinguish between an asthma attack and anaphylaxis. When in doubt, give EpiPen® first.

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  • 5 tips for managing anaphylaxis 

    Act quickly and correctly when you or someone else experiences a severe allergic reaction.

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  • Five anaphylaxis questions answered

    What is anaphylaxis, and what are the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis? We answer these and other questions.

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  • You don’t need medical training for EpiPen® – just practice

    EpiPen® and EpiPen® Jr are designed so that anyone can provide essential first aid if required to help save lives.

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  • 4 myths about anaphylaxis

    What you need to know about signs, symptoms and treatments for severe allergic reactions.

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  • How does EpiPen® work?

    Have you ever wondered what’s in your EpiPen® or EpiPen Jr® Auto-Injector and how it works? Here’s a quick summary.

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