Each EpiPen® Auto-Injector contains a single dose of adrenaline, which works quickly to help reverse the symptoms of anaphylaxis, also known as a severe allergic reaction.1

How to use EpiPen®

It’s best to ask your doctor or pharmacist to demonstrate how to use an EpiPen® Auto-Injector regularly.2 You and your family can also practise using a trainer device.

Watch our training video and ask your family and friends to watch too.

In an emergency, remember there are instructions on every EpiPen® Auto-Injector to guide you.

In summary:

  • Ensure you (or the patient) are lying on the ground – if breathing is difficult, you or they can sit, but not stand or walk.
  • Remove EpiPen® from the case.
  • Hold EpiPen® in your fist with the orange end facing down.
  • If helping a child, use one hand to hold them still and do your best to reassure them and keep them calm.
  • Pull off the blue safety release.
  • Hold the orange tip 5 cm away from the outer mid-thigh at a right angle (90-degree angle).
  • Push down until a click is felt or heard and hold for three seconds, then release the EpiPen® Auto-Injector.
  • Call 111 for an ambulance.
  • Phone a relative or emergency contact person.
  • Hand the used EpiPen® Auto-Injector to the ambulance or emergency department staff.

NOTE 1: A second dose with a new EpiPen® Auto-Injector may be necessary if symptoms have not improved in five to fifteen minutes.
NOTE 2: If assisting another person, CPR may be necessary at any time.
NOTE 3: Always give EpiPen® first, then asthma medication if required.3



Blue to the sky.  Orange to the Thigh.