My EpiPen® Auto-Injectors

You have no EpiPen® Auto-Injector expiring within 30 days

The most important things to remember are:1

Always carry your EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr Auto-Injector: If it’s with you, it could save you.2,3

Practise with your EpiPen® Trainer and watch the ”How to use” video regularly

Complete your ASCIA Anaphylaxis Action Plan and make sure it is carried with you

Continue to attend appointments with your doctor or specialist for ongoing management

Do your best to avoid your triggers. This means you need to learn what your triggers are, and where they might be found. Your doctor or specialist may be able to help with education on avoidance as part of your ongoing management

Help is available

You can find more help and advice on living with anaphylaxis from the following organisations.

ASCIA is the peak professional body for clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand. The ASCIA website provides accessible, consistent and evidence based resources, education and training about anaphylaxis for health professionals, patients, carers and community.

Allergy New Zealand has been offering reliable information, education and support to all New Zealanders for over forty years, helping caregivers and patients to manage allergies and live an active and healthy lifestyle.