• What is anaphylaxis?

  • How do I treat anaphylaxis?

  • What are the symptoms of anaphylaxis?

  • Is anaphylaxis always accompanied by skin symptoms?

  • How long does it take for anaphylaxis to appear? Can you have delayed anaphylaxis?

  • What is anaphylactic shock?

  • Is it possible to have mild anaphylaxis?

  • What is the difference between allergy and anaphylaxis?

  • What is the best way to manage allergies?

  • Why does anaphylaxis happen?

  • What are the most common causes of anaphylaxis?

  • Who is at most risk of death from anaphylaxis?

  • How long does it take to die from anaphylaxis?

  • Why does my face swell after eating nuts?

  • Why are peanut allergies so severe?

  • Why do I find it difficult to breathe after a bee sting?

  • How long after an insect bite does anaphylaxis occur?

  • Can vaccines cause anaphylaxis?

  • How do I know if I’m allergic to penicillin?

  • How can I manage my fear of anaphylaxis?

  • Do I qualify for fully funded EpiPen Auto-Injectors?

  • How do I access fully funded EpiPen Auto-Injectors

  • How many EpiPen Auto-Injectors will I qualify for?

  • When and how can I get a new EpiPen Auto-Injector?

  • Can I still access EpiPen if I don't quality for funding?